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2019 LA Salsa Fest Hall Of Fame award receiving induction ring from Edwin Rivera.

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"2022 - World Salsa Fest Hall Of Fame" -
1st inductee, Los Angeles, CA

"2019 - 2nd Annual Salsa Hall Of Fame - LA Salsa Fest" 1st woman inducted, Los Angeles, CA
"2013 - Special Award of Recognition" - 15th Annual World Salsa Congress, Los Angeles, CA
"2012 - Special Award of Recognition"  Tokyo, Japan

"2010 - Spirit of Dance Award" - Los Angeles, CA 
"2006 - Special Award of Recognition" - 10th Annual World Salsa Congress, San Juan, P.R.
"2003 - Outstanding Achievement Award" - West Coast Salsa CongressLos Angeles , CA
"2000 - The Andy Vasquez Award" - Bacardi World Salsa CongressSan Juan, P.R. 
"1999 - Outstanding Achievement Award" - Bacardi West Coast Salsa Congress, Los Angeles, CA 

Francisco Vasquez inducting Laura into the

2022 World Salsa Fest Hall of Fame

"The Hall of Fame Ring"

Japan Salsa Congress

2012 Tokyo, Japan

15th Annual

LA Salsa Fest 2013

 Los Angeles, CA

Albert Torres with Laura
10th Annual Salsa Congress
San Juan, PR 2006

Laura with father & brother at the Bacardi W.C. Salsa Congress

Los Angeles, CA 

May 2003

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Japan Salsa Congress 2012 with Geo. Watabe & Junko

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receiving the Anibal Vasquez Award

presented by Eli Irizarry & All Star Ent. 

Bacardi Salsa Congress

San Juan, PR 2000

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No you do not have to wear a costume, 

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